Cleanup and Plantings at Chevy Chase Single Family Home

Our client in Chevy Chase was looking for some low-maintenance curb appeal. We did a nice cleanup, "softscaped" his front yard, and his curb.

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Our client wanted to spruce up his front yard, walkway, and curb — all of which hadn’t been maintained in a while.

Here’s what we were working with:

Our client's front yard which hadn't been maintained in a while.
Our client's walkway that hadn't been maintained in a while
Our client's curb, which hadn't been maintained in a while.

Certainly some room for improvement all around.

So we got to work…

We did a nice cleanup, and created an area in front using both hardscape and softscape.

We put river rocks in the front area, planted Lariope within them, and then in the center square, we put a different “plant wall” bordering the ones we put in the middle.

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We also cleaned up the curb and mulched it:

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…and finally, we cleaned and mulched around the walkway (not pictured above).

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Before-and-After Gallery

Click or tap on any of the images below to view, then use the arrows to switch between the before and after pictures.

Ready to get started?

Schedule your free on-site consultation below.